[Registration] Validate your telephone number

1 min. de lecturedernière mise à jour: 10.17.2023

When securing your profile on My Sis ID, the verification of a telephone number is requested. 


You registered a land line number 

Please register a land line that you have direct access to.

As it is a robot calling, you will not receive the call if there is a standard, a vocal menu (multiple choice), or if it is a premium rate line. 

  1. Click on “Check” 
  2. A robot is calling you and will give you a 6 digits code 
  3. Fill the code in
  4. Click on “Next Step” 

You registered a cell phone number 

  1. Click on “Check” 
  2. You’ve just received a text with a 6 digits code 
  3. Fill the code in and click on "OK" (see image below)
  4. Click on "Next Step"

I received no text nor call  

The call/text may take a few seconds to arrive, just be patient ! 

Still haven’t received any call/text ?  

  1. Please check if the number is correct, if not, just refresh the page (F5) and click on modify. 
  2. Try resending the call/text by refreshing the page (F5) and click again on “Check”



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