[My Sis ID] How to export data ?

5 min. de lecturedernière mise à jour: 10.17.2023

Any information found in the different tabs of the platform can be extracted if you wish to analyse data.

 📂 The extracted file will be a CSV (comma separated value). It will be composed of any data registered on the platform whether the control or invitation was made directly on the platform, via SFTP or API.

Here's the data you can extract : 

  1. Any control ever made (Controls > My Controls)
  2. Any batch control ever made (Controls > Controls Imports)
  3. Last score for every pair ever controlled (Controls > Master File Audit)
  4. Any invitation ever sent (Invitations)

1 - Controls


With that extraction, you can access any control ever made. You can even use the filters (controlled company, author of the control...) to target special data.

FYI : This tab shows an exhaustive list of every control ever made. If you have control the same pair (same company ID and same IBAN) thrice, you will see 3 lines. If you wish to only see the last score for each pair, go to the Master File Audit tab.

Here's the composition of the extraction file :

  • Column A : Name of the author of the control. If the control was made through API, the name of the company will appear
  • Column B - C - D : Company you made the control for (country, name and company ID) as you can add several companies to your account
  • Column E - F - G - H - I : Controlled company informations (country, company ID and name)
  • Column J - K - L : Controlled natural person informations (last name, surname and birth date)
  • Column M : Bank informations controlled
  • Column N : Sis ID's score
  • Column O : Control date
  • Column P : Reasons for Sis ID's score

❗ This extraction shows the 1 000 first lines. Should you need the have access to older informations, please contact your CSM.

2 - Batch control


You can here export the results of any batch import (when you wish to control several pairs at once) ever made. Results for these batch imports can be found either on the platform by clicking on the batch or by extracting them (the file will be a .csv).

ℹ️ Your reference is only visible by extracting the file

Here's the composition of the extraction file :

  • Column A : Name of the author of the control. If the control was made through API, the name of the company will appear 
  • Column B - C - D - E : Controlled company informations (country, company ID and name) 
  • Column G - H - I : Controlled natural person informations (last name, surname and birth date) 
  • Column J : Bank informations controlled 
  • Column K : Sis ID's score 
  • Column L : Control date 
  • Column M : Reasons for Sis ID's score 
  • Column N : Your references will appear only if you filled the column in the imported file

3 - Last score for every pair ever controlled (Master File Audit)


You can use the filters (controlled company, author of the control...) to target special data. 

ℹ️ This tab is different from the first one called "My Controls" as this one shows only one line for every pair ever control with the last score. If you have controlled the same pair (same company ID and same IBAN) thrice, you will see only 1 line.   

Here's the composition of the extraction file :

  • Column A - B - C - D - E : Controlled company informations (country, company ID and name)  
  • Column F - G - H : Controlled natural person informations (last name, surname and birth date) 
  • Column I : Bank informations controlled  
  • Column J : Sis ID's score  
  • Column K : Number of controls for this pair
  • Column L : Last control date
  • Column M : Last control reasons for Sis ID's score

❗ This extraction shows the 1 000 first lines. Should you need the have access to older informations, please contact your CSM.  

4 - Invitations


You can find in this tab every invitation ever sent. You can use the filters (invited company, author of the invitation...) to target special data. 

Here's the composition of the extraction file :

  • Column A - B - C : Company you sent the invitation for (country, name and company ID) as you can add several companies to your account 
  • Column D - E - F : Invited company informations (country, company ID and name)   
  • Column G : Author/sender of the invitation
  • Column H : Invitation code. For every invitation, the code generated is unique and will allow your third party to authenticate their company when starting the registration process. Every code is valid for 90 days
  • Column I : This is the URL to give your third party for them to access the first step of the registration process. The URL contains the invitation code
  • Column J : Invitation creation date. 
ℹ️ Caution ! This date is the one when you created the invitation code but not necessarily the date when you first sent it. You can indeed create an invitation code without registering any recipient address so no invitation will be sent 
  • Column K : Expiry date for the invitation code (creation date + 90 days)
  • Column L : Number of uses for this invitation code
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