[My Sis ID account] How to add several bank details for my company at once

1 min. de lecturedernière mise à jour: 10.17.2023


You have a lot of several bank details that you would like to upload on My Sis ID and no time to do it one by one ? Here’s how to upload several IBANs at once :

Download the template

  • Click on “My Bank Details”
  •  In the top right hand corner, click on “+ Add”  
  • Go tothe second tab “Add all my bank details at once” and “Download the template”

Fill the template out:

Here are some tips for the file to be usable :

  • The file must be in a csv. Format
  • Please check that every company identifier mentioned are already registered in the “My Companies” tab
  • Use “Text” cell format for the bank details
  • Try opening the file with Notepad++ or equivalent to suppress useless spaces

Upload the file

Once the template downloaded and filled out, here’s how to upload it :

  • In the same tab as before (“Add all my bank details at once”), click on “Browse”
  • Find the file you just filled
  • Click on “Save”

A “Import results” window opens and IBANs are starting to load. You can close the window, IBANs are taken in account.

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