[My Sis ID account] How to add or delete a telephone number

1 min. de lecturedernière mise à jour: 10.17.2023

In order for you to access every feature of Sis ID platform, a valid telephone number is required (land line or cell phone).

Adding a telephone number :

  1. Log in My Sis ID
  2. Click on your initials in the top right and corner and go to "My Profile"
  3. Fill in the new telephone number
  4. Click on "Add" and then "Check" (you will receive a phone call or a text)
  5. Fill in the code
  6. Click on "OK"

Deleting a telephone number

You can delete the telephone number registered on your account by doing so :

  1. Log in My Sis ID
  2. Click on your initials in the top right and corner and go to "My Profile" 
  3. Find the telephone number you want to delete and click on "Delete" on the right hand side
  4. You will then receive an email from noreply@sis-id.com asking you to confirm this deleting request, click on "Confirm"

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