[My Sis ID account] How to add a new IBAN to my company

3 min. de lecturedernière mise à jour: 10.17.2023

As the first collaborative platform to secure your payment, My Sis ID verifies and certifies your bank details in order for you to receive your payment (My Sis ID is not a payment or billing plateform on which invoice or payment can be transfered). 

Once added to the platform, your bank details will then be verified and certified. Free of charge, you can add one or several IBANs.  

Adding an IBAN during your subscription

To finalize your registration, you will be asked to add your bank details. 

  1. Enter the IBAN, the BIC is automatically filled in, no need to enter it!
  2. Enter your keystroke dynamics on the keyboard: to register an IBAN, you must authenticate yourself with your keystroke dynamics by carefully copying the sentence below:
I hereby certify that I am not a robot, appropriate and required step to manage the payment details of my company

Adding an IBAN is a sensitive action on the platform. For security reasons, we ask you to authenticate yourself with the typing dynamics. 

Finally, click on "Validate".

I already have an account and I want to add a new IBAN

You can also add an IBAN from your "My bank details" tab (same as above)

  1. Connect to the platform (https://my.sis-id.com/#/login)
  2. Go to the "My bank details" tab 
  3. Click on the "Add" button on the top right
  4. Enter your keystroke dynamics on the keyboard: to register an IBAN, you must authenticate yourself with your keystroke dynamics by carefully copying the sentence below:
I hereby certify that I am not a robot, appropriate and required step to manage the payment details of my company

Adding an IBAN is a sensitive action on the platform. For security reasons, we ask you to authenticate yourself with the typing dynamics. 

Finally, click on "Validate".

You can't authenticate yourself with the keystroke?

If you are unable to authenticate yourself with your keystroke dynamics twice, you can request a code verification:

  • Select the phone number on which you want to receive the code
    • If you have entered a cell phone number, you will receive an SMS containing a 6-digit code.
    • If you have entered a landline number, you will receive a phone call from a robot that will give you a 6-digit code.
    • If both numbers are entered, you have the choice between receiving an SMS or a call.

Do not hesitate to refresh the page if you do not receive the phone call

  1. Click on the "Send code to your phone" button 
  2. Enter the 6-digit code in the "Received Code" field 
  3. Finally, click on the "Validate" button

If you have added one or more IBANs for your company, you have completed the certification process. 

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