[My Sis ID account] E-mail notifications

3 min. de lecturedernière mise à jour: 04.19.2024

Throughout your use of the My Sis ID platform, you will receive various e-mail notifications from the noreply@sis-id.com e-mail address.

These notifications guarantee a high level of security: you will be informed of all important actions concerning your My Sis ID account and your company (changes made by your colleagues, for example). You will receive all the major changes made to your company on My Sis ID. 

Type of notifications

Security alerts

We invite you to look at the information contained in the security alert. If this information is correct, you can ignore the alert.

New account created

This email informs you as soon as a new account is created on My Sis ID for your company.

Who receives this notification? All account users.

Adding bank details

This email informs you as soon as new bank details are added to My Sis ID for your company.

Who receives this notification? All account users.

Should they be incorrect, please advise us immediately on the following email address : security@sis-id.com.


These emails inform you of the various actions carried out on the platform, by yourself, your colleagues or your suppliers.

Inviting your third party

This email is sent to your supplier so that they can register on the platform and have their bank details certified. You can find all the information about the invitation here and here.

Who receives this notification? The person in your company who sent the invitation will always receive a copy of this email.


Reminders of invitation to your third party

This email is sent to your supplier in case they didn't sign up as soon as receiving their invitation. This reminders are sent at D1, D4 and D7 after the invitation was sent.

Who receives this notification? The supplier who was invited.

Addition of bank details by your third party

This email informs you that your third party has added their bank details to the platform, which are now "being verified". Accreditation therefore starts at this point.

CAUTION: this does not mean that the bank details have been accredited. 

Who receives this notification? All users attached to the company within the perimeter from which the invitation was sent.

Bank details validation

This email informs you that the bank details added by your third party and which were in the process of being accredited by our services have now been certified. You can now go to My Sis ID to check your third party again and see the score turn green! 

Is the score still orange/red? Do not hesitate to consult this article

Who receives this notification? All users attached to the company within the perimeter from which the invitation was sent.

I don't want to receive those notifications anymore 

Unfortunately, we are not able to deactivate those notifications for the time being but we are working on it.

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