[Invitation] Track your vendors' registration

2 min. de lecturedernière mise à jour: 10.17.2023

You have sent an invitation to your vendor and would like to know where the certification process is at ?

Your vendors still hasn't registered on My Sis ID

As you were in cc of the original invitation, you will be in cc of the different reminders sent to your vendor.

You can then know whether they used your invitation or not in your mailbox but also can go to My Sis ID to have a general overview of the invitations sent.

In the Invitation tab you will find every invitation ever sent by you or one of your colleagues :

  • The "Uses" columns shows whethen the invitation code was used or not
  • By clicking on the dots at the end of the line, you can check the history related to this invitation

This where you will find informations about the reminders that were sent to your vendor.

After 9 days, if your vendor still isn't registerd on My Sis ID, reminder will be put on hold and you will receive a notification saying so.

Your vendors registered on the platform

Thanks to the "uses" columns you will easily see if the invitation code was used. 

As soon as your vendor registers an IBAN on the platform, you will also receive a notification by email.

You will also be notified when the IBAN is certified. We then recommend you to relaunch the control to be sure that the certified IBAN is the one you wanted to use.

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