[Invitation] How to make sure your vendor receives the invitation and uses it ? (๐Ÿ“Ž Document ressource)

3 min. de lecturederniรจre mise ร  jour: 08.05.2024

When obtaining an orange or red score, we are highly recommending you to invite your vendor to register on the platform and share their bank details for our team to be able to certify them.

Here's how to make sure your vendor receives the invitation and put all the chances on your side for them to use it as well...

Download the Document Resource

Little tip : keep this Document Resource close !

It contains :

  • The template email that reassures your vendor
  • User guides to attach to the email (long and short version, it is up to you)
  • Some answers to the most frequently asked questions

Best practices

Sending the invitation

Once you've clicked on "Send", an automatic email is sent to your vendor. The sender (you) is always in cc. of this email and receives it as well.


As you can see, this email is sent by noreply@sis-id.com and this can cause issue :

  1. Depending on the security settings of your vendor's company, this email may go directly to your vendor's spam inbox. In that case, there is a good chance that they will never see the invitation and that they will never use it ๐Ÿ˜ž 
  2. Collaborators are more and more aware of the cybercriminality risks. It is very likely that when receiving this noreply email coming from a company that your vendor doesn't know and asking them to share their company bank details, they wouldn't be very keen on doing so using the invitation ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ 

So what could I do to ensure that my vendor receives the invitation and uses it ?

In order to reassure your vendor, we recommend you to send a second email coming from your individual email address with your company's domain name in it. As your vendor knows you and your company, they will more likely be confident in using a link that you are sending.

Don't worry, this will only require 3 more steps !

First and foremost :

  • Get the email template we prepared for you in the Document Resource
  • Record it as a signature in your mailing tool (Gmail, Outlook...)

This will help you for what's to come...

Let's get back to business, you are then in cc of the automatic email that was sent by My Sis ID. Retrieve this email.

  1. Click on Reply to all. This will keep the original invitation email just below your message and it will be easier for your vendor to use it
  2. Use the signature recorded previously and customize the message is needed
  3. Click on Send

Do not hesitate to attach the user guide to your email. It will inform your vendor about what Sis ID is and help them in the registration process.

Extra Tip

Once the registration done, your vendor will be able to add as many bank details as they want on the platform for them to be certified. In order to be sure that they will register the bank details you are using, you can mention it in your email.


Even though the platform allows you to add as many bank details as you want, please note that in order for our company to pay your invoice, we particularly need Sis ID to certify the IBAN XXXX1234567.
Adding other bank details will help you certify them and help your future customers relations along.
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