[Invitation] How to invite my vendors ?

3 min. de lecturedernière mise à jour: 10.17.2023

There are 3 different ways to send an invitation to your beneficiary...

Before explaining you all of them, remember that it is important that you legitimate this invitation to your vendor if you want them to use it. This article will help you make your invitation successful

When getting an orange or red score

When getting an orange or red score for a pair, we highly recommend to invite your third party to register on My Sis ID for our team to be able to certify their bank details (and possibly change their score to a green).

  1. On the result page, click on "Invite", a pop up will appear
  2. Check the company you are sending the invitation from and to which beneficiary
  3. Fill the recipient's details (email is mandatory, you can put a blank space for the name and surname)
  4. Click on "Send"

You can send the invitation to several persons at once by clicking on "Add a recipient"


From the dashboard 

You can invite your beneficiary without having to control them.

  1. On the dashboard, click on "Invite", a pop up will appear
  2. Check the company you are sending the invitation from and to which beneficiary
  3. Fill the recipient's details (email is mandatory, you can put a blank space for the name and surname)
  4. Click on "Send"

You can send the invitation to several persons at once by clicking on "Add a recipient" 


From the "Invitation" tab

  1. On the dashboard, click on "Invite", a pop up will appear
  2. Check the company you are sending the invitation from and to which beneficiary
  3. Fill the recipient's details (email is mandatory, you can put a blank space for the name and surname)
  4. Click on "Send"

You can send the invitation to several persons at once by clicking on "Add a recipient"  


You wish to send invitations to several beneficiaries ?

This article will help you

How can I send the invitation again to the same company ?

If you already have sent an invitation to a beneficiary and that the invitation code is still valid, you won't be able to create and send a new invitation doing as shown above : a message will tell you that there is already an existing invitation for that company.

Here's how to send the invitation to someone else :

  1. Go to the "Invitation" tab
  2. Find the company you want to send the invitation to easily by searching their company ID
  3. Click on the 3 dots at the end of the line
  4. Click on send
  5. Follow the usual steps explained above

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