[Controls] Explanation of the reasons reported by SEPAmail Diamond

6 min. de lecturedernière mise à jour: 03.15.2024

SEPAmail Diamond is one of our banking partners.

The service aggregates data from a number of the leading banks in France, enabling us to obtain information directly from these banks. You can find out which banks are eligible for this service by typing "SEPAmail Diamond participating banks" into Google.

Verification by the SEPAmail Diamond service in progress

When you carry out a check on My Sis ID, you may sometimes obtain an orange score with the words "Verification in progress by the SEPAmail Diamond service" in the reasons for the score. 

This score is temporary, and only appears when our first pillar (shared database) has not produced satisfactory results, and we have to call on our partner database, in this case SEPAmail Diamond for French IBANs. As this service is asynchronous, the platform returns an orange score while awaiting the return of information from the banks.

ℹ The result usually takes a minute to appear on the platform. If you wish, you can run another check, close the tab and do anything else while waiting for the final score. When you return to My Sis ID, the notification bell (top right, next to your initials) will show the number of updated checks. You can simply view the controls awaiting the return of SEPAmail Diamond in the Controls > My Controls and Controls > Repository Audit tabs, as a 💎 appears.

Once the service has been returned, the score automatically changes to GREEN if the IBAN is verified (certified) by the SEPAmail Diamond service, or to RED if the bank details are not verified (invalidated, not certified). The reason codes returned by SEPAmail Diamond appear in the reasons insert to explain the result of the service. We will focus on the reasons returned for a red score: 

02000: Incorrect account holder type

The holder of an account can take two distinct forms: a natural person (own-name account) or a legal entity (company, association, etc.). The "Incorrect holder type" error code indicates that the type of holder checked does not match that associated with the bank account.

Recommendations :

If you control a legal entity (company): Invite your third party to register; our teams will try to understand why this legal entity is using the bank account of a natural person, or vice versa.

If you control a natural person: Approach your third party to obtain the SIREN number associated with their bank account, in order to carry out a legal entity check.

03000 : Incorrect SIREN

The association of the checked SIREN with the checked IBAN is incorrect, the checked IBAN is not registered with the bank as belonging to this company.

This reason does not mean that the SIREN entered is incorrect or does not exist. The box at the top left shows that the SIREN entered has enabled the platform to find the company associated with it, and that this company is active:

Recommendation: There may be perfectly legitimate reasons for this:

  • Recent merger: The absorbing company uses the IBAN of the absorbed company, and the change has not been made with the bank.
  • Group of companies: Several companies in the same group may have a mandate to use the same IBAN.
  • Assignment of receivables: In the case of assignment of receivables, the account holder is different from the one you are paying, for example, in the case of factoring.

To make sure it's not a fraudulent IBAN, ask your third party. Our teams will try to understand why this company wants to use an IBAN that doesn't seem to belong to it.

04000 : Incorrect SIRET

The association of the checked SIRET with the checked IBAN is incorrect, the checked IBAN is not registered with the bank as belonging to this establishment.

 ❗ We recommend that you use the SIREN number (company identifier) rather than the SIRET number (establishment identifier) for your checks. This will give you a better chance of obtaining a green score. Banks don't systematically update establishment information, so it's possible that you'll get a "false" red score.

Recommendation: Try checking with the company's SIREN number (first 9 digits of the SIRET) to make sure that this IBAN is not registered as belonging to this company as a whole, and not just to this establishment. If the score remains red, invite your third party.

09000: Checking first and last names

This is a check on a natural person, so it was carried out on the first and last name of the account holder and the IBAN. 

You have checked a legal entity.

Self-employed entrepreneurs, freelancers, craftsmen, etc. generally open a business bank account in their own name rather than in their company's name. This particularity is taken into account by our services. When you check this type of company, it is common for us to carry out an individual check with SEPAmail Diamond. The check is therefore carried out on the name of the manager, which can be found in the "Manager" tab under "Additional information".

SEPAmail Diamond compares the first and last name of the account holder with the one sent, and assigns a score between 0 and 400. The closer the score is to 0, the more inconsistent the data. The closer the score is to 400, the closer the data entered in Sis ID is to that registered with the bank.

Recommendation: Invite your third party, and our teams will try to understand why the information differs to accredit this IBAN.

You have checked an individual.

SEPAmail Diamond compares the first and last name of the account holder with the information you provided during the check, and assigns a score between 0 and 400. The closer the score is to 0, the more inconsistent the data. The closer the score is to 400, the closer the data entered in Sis ID are to those registered with the bank.

Recommendation: Check that you have not made a typing error when entering the platform's first and last name, or contact the account holder to confirm the spelling of his or her identity, and check again. Don't hesitate to ask the account holder to download the IBAN from his or her bank, so that you have the information provided by the bank and can carry out another check.

01030 : Nonexistent account or closed for more than 14 months

There are 2 possible explanations for this:

  • The bank account has been closed: ask your third party to send you their new bank details.
  • The bank has moved: Sometimes, the bank account is still active, but the bank has moved. In this case, some of the characters in the IBAN have changed. We recommend that you ask your third party to download their IBAN from the bank's website, so that you have their up-to-date IBAN and can forward it to you for a new check. If the score remains red, ask your third party to register.

01040 : Account not eligible for SEPAmail service

This means that the account is not eligible for the SEPAmail DIAMOND service, and we are unable to obtain information from the service for this account.

Example: Since associations or schools have a specific status (neither company nor legal entity), sometimes SEPAmail Diamond is unable to verify the information.

Recommendation: Treat this third party as if it were not eligible for SEPAmail Diamond and invite it onto the platform.

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