[Control] What to do based on the score?

2 min. de lecturedernière mise à jour: 10.17.2023

Depending on your verification results, three different colors can be assigned to your score on My Sis ID : Green, Orange and Red. Here are their meanings:


The payment identity is sure and secured : the bank details belong to the company entered which is active and valid. Any creation/modification of the third-party file or payment can be securely done.


Based on our information, the company exists, the IBAN format is correct but a certain level of risk remains on the payment identity. 

If a Diamond appear beside the orange score, please read the section "SEPAmail Diamond Orange Score".


The payment identity controled is not secured and represents a high level of risk. Two possible meanings:

  • The bank details or the company are refused. Payment cannot be made. This is the case for a closed company or a fraudulent IBAN.
  • We have contradictory information in our database about the verified payment identity. In this case, we recommend being vigilant and invite your third party to the platform for further investigation by our services. To do so, you can click on the "invite" button at the bottom of the verification window. 

SEPAmail Diamond Orange Score:

It is then necessary that you perform a second verification of the couple to get the answer delivered by SEPAmail Diamond if:

  • The score is orange
  • AND SEPAmail Diamond is queried (indicated in the reasons, as on the screenshot below).

It means that we are wating for the bank answer, please wait until the score changes. 

If after 20 minutes, the score is still "SEPAmail Diamond Pending Verification" we recommand to relaunch the verification. To do so, we have developed a "Redo" button that allows you to query My Sis ID a second time. This "Redo" button is located on the verification pop-in window.

The response time of SEPAmail Diamond can vary between 30 seconds and 4 hours. Therefore it is sometimes necessary to restart the verification several times to get the updated score.


In order to engage our services manual verification, you need to invite your supplier to subscribe on My Sis ID. Our services will do all the needed verification and turn the score into green (certified) or red (fraudulent).


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