[Control] Verify a factoring IBAN

1 min. de lecturedernière mise à jour: 10.17.2023

Which ID should I use for verification?

  1. Perform the verification with the supplier's ID and the factoring IBAN,
  2. If the score is not green, do the verification on the ID of the factoring company and the IBAN.

If the score is green during step 1 or 2, the couple is then certified by Sis ID. You can then go ahead with your internal processes.

If the score is not green, who should I invite?

If the score is still not green after steps 1 and 2, you have to send an invitation directly to the supplier, who will add the factoring IBAN on his account. In this case, it is important to associate the invitation code with the company ID of your supplier.

Once the invitation is sent, the Sis ID teams take over and proceed with the verification steps for you. All you have to do is wait for our services to come back to you to keep you informed of the situation.

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