[Control] My vendor’s bank details are certified by Sis ID yet the score is still red or orange

1 min. de lecturedernière mise à jour: 10.17.2023

You have received the email notification saying that your vendor has registered an IBAN and that it has been certified by Sis ID yet, when you refresh the control, the score is still orange or red ? 

Please check the score reasons and if you find : 

  • Company enrolled on the platform : It means that the company has indeed used your invitation and enrolled on My Sis ID 
  • Bank details not added on the platform : It means that this IBAN was never registered on My Sis ID 

Those two reasons together mean that either your vendor has enrolled on the platform and hasn’t registered any IBAN yet 

OR they do have registered an IBAN but it is not the one you are trying to control. 

As you have received the notification that an IBAN has been certified, it seems to be the second option… 

How to know which bank details did my vendor add ? 

  1. Go to “Beneficiaries” 
  2. Find your vendor 
  3. Click on the action button and “see bank details” 
  4. Here are all the IBANs added by your vendor, check if the one you are controlling is here 


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