[Control] French micro-entrepreneur: “closed” or “unknown” company

2 min. de lecturedernière mise à jour: 10.17.2023

 You wish to control the bank details of a French micro-entrepreneur but My Sis ID is returning a “closed” or “unknown” company status.

Before everything, please reach out to your vendor to check if :

  • You have the right company ID (SIREN)
  • They have reported their company to the INSEE

You do have the right company ID and the company is reported

Any natural person registered in the INSEE’s data as a micro-entrepreneur can chose to publish or not their information as per the article A123-96 of the French Commercial Code. 

Should the person decided not to share their information, it is as if the company ID would not exists. In many cases, the entrepreneur thinks that ticking that box will help him avoid advertisement.

This is the reason why the company is flagged as closed or unknown on My Sis ID.

But what can I do in that case ?

In order for you to be able to verify your vendor’s details, they will have to change their sharing status. It will only take them a few minutes :

How can your vendor change their sharing status ? (Link to the french version)

  1. Go to https://statut-diffusion-sirene.insee.fr/
  2. Log in with France Connect
  3. Fill out the form with the company ID (SIREN) and birth date
  4. Validate the request, changes will be effective within 2 opening days

Once your vendor’s status is updated, you can proceed with its control on My Sis ID

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