[Control] Company IDs supported on My Sis ID - per country

5 min. de lecturedernière mise à jour: 02.20.2024

In the following list, you will find all the company IDs that are supported and accepted on My Sis ID for each country. 

If you are looking for a country that is not in the list below, then know that it is not part of our geographical scope and that verifying a company from that destination won't be possible. 


  • Australian Business Number (ABN): 11 digits
  • Australian Company Number (ACN): 9 digits
  • DUNS: 9 digits 


  • VAT number (UID, Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer): Begins with "ATU" followed by 8 digits


  • Business number: a combination of 9 or 10 digits. 
    •  If starting with "BE", only use and fill in the digits on the platform 
  • VAT number: starts with " BE ", followed by 10 digits 
  • DUNS: 9 digits


  • CNPJ number (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica): 14-digits identifier plus delimiters (example: 45.762.077/0001-37)


  • Business number (9 digits) 


  • Unified Social Credit Code (USCC): 18 digits (ex.: 91310000063749131Q
  • Business Registration Number (BRN): 15 digits (ex.: 210100400009381
  • DUNS: 9 digits

Czech Republic

  • VAT number: starts with "CZ", followed by 8 digits


  • VAT number: starts with "DK", followed by 8 digits


  • VAT number : starts with "EE", followed by 9 digits


  • VAT number: starts with "FI", followed by 8 digits


  • Business number, SIREN or SIRET: respectively 9 or 14 digits 
  • VAT number: starts with "FR", followed by 11 digits
  • DUNS: 9 digits


  • VAT number (Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer): starts with "DE" followed by 9 digits 
  • Business register (Handelsregister): begins with "HRB", "HRA", "PR", "VR", "GnR" followed by 1 to 6 digits and eventually 2 letters, then company selection according to local commercial court (Amtsgericht)


  • VAT number: starts with "EL" or "GR", followed by 9 digits

Hong Kong

  • Business Registration Number (BRN ): 8 digits 
  • Company Registration Number: 5 to 7 digits 
  • DUNS: 9 digits 


  • CIN number: 21 alphanumeric digits 


  • VAT Number: starts with "IE", followed by 8 characters


  • Corporate number (BRN): 13 digits (ex.: 6010403015010) 
  • DUNS: 9 digits


  • VAT Number: starts with "LV", followed by 11 characters


  • VAT Number: starts with "LT", followed by 9 or 12 characters


  • Trade and Companies Register (RCS): begins with a letter between A and J, followed by 1 to 7 digits


  • Company Registration Number: 12 digits with a 0 in 5th position (ex: 201901000001) OR 4 to 7 digits + 1 letter
  • DUNS: 9 digits


  • RFC number Registro Federal de Contribuyentes (12 characters, alphanumeric), with the structure xxx-yymmdd-zzz
    • xxx = first three letters of the company name


  • VAT Number : starts with "NL", folowed by 9 digits, then by the letter B with 2 more digits
  • Chamber of Commerce (KVK-Nummer, KVK): 8 digits
  • DUNS: 9 digits 

New Caledonia 

  • RIDET: between 5 and 7 digits
  • DUNS: 9 digits 


  • Business Number (Organisasjonsnummer): 9 digits
  • DUNS: 9 digits 


  • Fiscal Identification Number (Numer identyfikacji podatkowej, NIP): 10 digits
  • Official National Register of National Economic Entities (Rejestr Gospodarki Narodowej, Regon): 9 or 14 digits
  • VAT number: starts with "PL", followed by 10 digits


  • VAT number: starts with "PT", followed by 9 digits

Principality of Monaco

  • Trade and Industry Directory, RCI: begins with 2 digits followed by "S" then 4 or 5 digits
  • DUNS: 9 digits 


  • VAT number: starts with "RO", followed by 1 to 10 digits


  • Unique Entity Number: 10 digits 
  • DUNS: 9 digits  

South Africa

  • VAT number (10 digits starting with 4) 

South Korea

  • Business Registration Number (BRN): 10 digits
  • DUNS: 9 digits  


  • Fiscal Identification Number (Numero de Identificacion Fiscal, NIF formerly CIF): starts with a letter, followed by 7 digits, and ends with a letter or a number
  • VAT Number: starts with "ES", followed by the Tax Identification Number
  • DUNS: 9 digits  

 ℹ️ Spanish selfentrepreneurs such as freelancers and like ("personas físicas o trabajadores autónomos ") can not be controlled through Sis ID for the time being. When registering their NIF number (8 letters + 1 digit) or VAT number ("ES" + NIF), please note that the platform will not be able to identify the company 


  • Business number (Organisationsnummer): 10 digits with an "-" after the 6 first characters (ex.: 558294-3323
  • VAT number : starts with "SE", followed by 12 digits
  • DUNS: 9 digits  


  • Business identification number IDE: starts with "CHE", followed by 9 digits 
  • DUNS: 9 digits  

United Arab Emirates

  • Business License Number: 
    • CN + 6 or 7 digits
    • Or only 6 digits
  • VAT Number: 15 digits  
  • DUNS: 9 digits  

United Kingdom

  • Company Registration Number (CRN) : 8 digits or 2 letters followed by 6 digits
  • VAT number: starts with "GB" for England and "XI" for Northern Ireland + 9 digits
  • DUNS: 9 digits   

United States of America

  • Employer Identification Number (EIN): 9 digits (ex.: 123456789)
  • DUNS: 9 digits    


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