[Control] Checking a third party using the company name

3 min. de lecturedernière mise à jour: 12.11.2023

On My Sis ID, you can carry out a check using the company's national company identifier. You can find the list of countries covered and company identifiers supported on My Sis ID here

However, it is also possible to check a third party using the company name.

⚠️ ATTENTION, this is a BETA feature. ⚠️

This is a control method that is less effective than control by company identifier, which is in any case preferable and should be used wherever possible. Moreover, this type of control is mostly effective for french companies.

Control by company name 

The company name check is proposed as a back-up mechanism for identifying a company by its company name instead of using the identifier as a search element. The company name check is particularly useful when sending a payment file from a treasury management system (TMS). This is because the treasury management system often fails to store company identifiers and processes bank details associated with the company name.

This type of control can be accessed from the dashboard, by clicking on the 'Control by' drop-down menu.


Other factors to take into account are :  

  • Companies that have already been audited are more likely to be recognised in an audit based on their name. This is particularly true for companies located outside France.  
  • However, it is essential to note that the fact that a company has been audited previously does not necessarily guarantee that it will be identified during a new audit.  

To obtain accurate results in this type of audit, it is crucial to use the company name rather than its trading name. Identification can therefore be successful when the data entered is close enough to a known company name. It is also imperative to indicate the country in which the company is registered; although optional, providing the postcode can considerably improve the relevance of the check results, especially when the company name is widely used. 

Once the company name has been entered into the check, the platform checks legal databases to find a match with a company identifier. Here is an example:

  • Having a company whose name is T.F.M.O STE TRANSPORTS FRIGORIFIQUES DES MONTS D'OR, then :  


  • Entry = T.F.M.O ➡️ COMPANY UNKNOWN❌




It is important to note that this type of check is only available for unit checks on the platform, and not for mass imports using a CSV file.

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